
Webinar: Accelerating Your EV Future - Navigating Funding Opportunities and Incentives for Automotive Suppliers

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The shift to EVs is driving rapid transformation in the automotive sector, leading to heightened capital requirements for automotive suppliers. Join Plante Moran’s automotive experts as we dive into the diverse funding opportunities available to advance your transition toward sustainability. 

Learning objectives: 

  • Explore the intricacies of developing a business case for private and self-funding strategies to support your investment in the EV future. 
  • Review funding options and eligibility for funding programs and evaluate readiness to submit an application. 
  • Gain insight into state and local incentives, including property and income tax abatements, workforce grants, infrastructure improvements, and purchase incentives. 
  • Discover how to take advantage of tax credits and government grant and loan programs, including: Sections 45X and 48C tax credits; Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) and Title 17 loan programs; Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and Office of Manufacturing & Energy Supply Chains (MESC) grant opportunities; state and local tax incentives; and more.


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