Board of Directors

MAPP Board of Directors

Board President

Rich Dorans
President, PTA Plastics

Board Vice President

Tammy Barras
President, Westec Plastics

Board Treasurer

Adam Wachter
CFO, Engineered Profiles LLC

Board Secretary and Counsel

Alan Rothenbuecher
Attorney, Benesch LLP


Kevin Allison
Business Development Manager, Crescent Industries, Inc.

Jenn Bender-Barlund
President, Falcon Plastics

Tim Bayer
President/CEO, Hansen Plastics Corporation

Kate Began
President, Polycase Products

Pat Beirne
CEO, Mergon Corporation

Steve Craprotta
President, Eclipse Mold

Rodney Davenport
Vice President, CH3 Solutions LLC

Craig Ferriot
President, Ferriot Inc.

Jeff Ignatowski
President, Champion Plastics

Jason Long
National Sales Manager, Wittmann Battenfeld

Mark Murphy
President, PRD Inc.

Greg Nolen
CEO, Manar Inc.

Rob Nugent
President, RJG Inc.

Chip Owen
CEO, D&M Plastics LLC

Dave Routsis
President, Routsis Training

Tom Wood
VP Sales, E-S Plastic Products LLC

Are you interested in serving on the MAPP Board of Directors?

  • Has your company been a member for at least five years?
  • Are you an owner, president, or CEO of a plastics manufacturing company?

If you meet these requirements, please fill out the form below.

Board of Directors Form